Your Health in Trusted Hands


Join NutriLink, discover personalized nutrition programs, expert consultations, and support for your healthy lifestyle.

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Welcome to NutriLink

NutriLink is a team of experienced nutritionists who use a scientific approach to develop effective nutrition programs. We offer a wide range of services, including weight management, sports nutrition, diets for pregnant women, and much more. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimal health.

Our Nutritionists

Our nutritionists possess deep knowledge in the areas of nutrition, dietetics, and healthy living. They continuously enhance their skills and knowledge by participating in training and conferences.

Individual Approach

Every client is a unique story for us, and we always strive to find personalized solutions for your needs. Our nutritionists work closely with clients, developing nutrition programs that match their individual goals and lifestyle.

Professionalism and Support

We are proud that our team comprises professionals who not only have high qualifications but also know how to support their clients at every stage of their journey to a healthy life. You can always count on our support and expert advice.

Nutrition Programs

Weight Management Program

This program is designed for safe and effective weight loss. It includes a detailed nutrition plan, physical exercises, and psychological support. Our specialists will help you establish healthy habits and maintain your results.

Nutrition Program for Pregnant Women

Balanced nutrition during pregnancy is key to the health of both mother and baby. Our program includes recommendations on diet, vitamins, and minerals necessary to ensure optimal development of the baby and support the mother's health.

Nutrition Program for Athletes

This program is designed to support high physical activity and achieve sports goals. We offer specialized nutrition plans to enhance endurance, strength, and recovery speed after workouts.